
Our Quality Promise

If eating good quality, traceable meat is important to you then try a Bronze turkey from us this year – you will not be disappointed.

We have built our reputation for quality and great tasting Bronze turkeys with a primary aim always in mind
– by minimising stress in the rearing and production of the birds.


The Bronze turkeys are slaughtered on the farm (no stressful travelling) and are hand plucked as opposed to being put into a plucking machine with hot water, as mass-produced poultry would be.

This hand finishing results in the absence of bruising to the meat that plucking machines can leave and increases the keeping quality.

The Bronze turkeys are then hung like game in refrigeration for approximately 2 weeks.  This is very important as it develops taste and tenderness that you will just not get from a standard turkey that has been wet plucked, processed, chilled, frozen or gas flushed all on the same day!


Just before you collect or have your Bronze turkey delivered, it is dressed and stitched by hand with the legs snugly tied into the breast ready for the oven.  This presents your Bronze turkey in the best possible way for your table when cooked. The giblets will be inside your Bronze turkey in a separate bag. Don’t forget to take them out!

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© 2024 Millhill Farm Turkeys